HHS Delivers Strategic Framework for National Plan on Aging

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Today the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, through its Administration for Community Living, released “Aging in the United States: A Strategic Framework for a National Plan on Aging.” The report lays the groundwork for a coordinated effort – across the private and public sectors and in partnership with older adults, family caregivers, the aging services network, and other stakeholders – to create a national set of recommendations for advancing healthy aging and age-friendly communities that value and truly include older adults. The national plan on aging will advance best practices for service delivery, support development and strengthening of partnerships within and across sectors, identify solutions for removing barriers to health and independence for older adults, and more. Developed by leaders and experts from 16 federal agencies and departments working together through the Interagency Coordinating Committee (ICC) on Healthy Aging and Age-Friendly Communities, the report also reflects input from community partners and leaders in the aging services network.

“Ensuring that every American can age with dignity has been a priority throughout the Biden-Harris Administration and is at the core of our work at HHS,” said HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra. “From day one, we have focused on lowering prescription drug costs, improving support for family caregivers, strengthening the workforce that provides in-home services, increasing access to health care and more to support older adults. The Strategic Framework provides a roadmap for us to build upon that progress to improve the experience of aging in our country.”

“The rapidly growing population of older adults creates an urgent need for thoughtful planning and coordinated action to strengthen the systems that support health and wellbeing as we age,” said Alison Barkoff, who leads the Administration for Community Living. “ACL was proud to lead the development of this strategic framework, and we are excited to work with our partners at every level of government, across sectors, and with older adults to develop a national plan on aging.”

The Strategic Framework captures the opportunities and challenges created by the aging of the U.S. population and defines goals and objectives for addressing critical aging issues. It considers the many factors that influence the aging experience, as well as things all people need as they age, such as coordinated housing and services, aligned health care and supportive services, accessible communities, age-friendly workplaces, and high-quality long-term services and supports. Within these, the framework discusses key issues and work underway across the federal government, such as availability of affordable and accessible housing and promoting economic and financial security.

On June 10 at 2 p.m., ACL will host a public webinar to provide an overview of the Strategic Framework (advance registration is required.) In the coming months, the ICC will engage with stakeholders across the nation to explore the opportunities and issues in the Strategic Framework and inform the development of the national plan on aging…

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