Colorado’s Leading Voice for Home-Based Care ProvidersBeing a member of the Home Care and Hospice Association of Colorado (HHAC) means you have a trusted leader advocating for your home health, home care or hospice agency. We are committed to providing state legislators, members and the general public with information about pressing issues about reimbursement, access to care and how legislation and regulation impacts patients and their families. TelehealthSenate Bill 212 is law! During the 2020 session, the Home Care and Hospice Association of Colorado successfully advocated for creating equitable reimbursement for telehealth services. Leading the way with a large coalition, HHAC was instrumental in the bill’s passage. The law:
Electronic Visit VerificationHHAC has been in active communication with the Colorado Department of Health Care Policy & Financing over concerns with the new system for the use of electronic visit verification (EVV) for Medicaid claims. In addition to working with the system vendor, Sandata Technologies, HHAC has advocated for a delay in implementation to avoid claims going unpaid. For providers who are utilizing an EVV system and actively submitting EVV records, the pre-payment claim review has been delayed and will begin on March 1, 2021.
Medicaid reimbursementHome-based services play a vital role in helping people remain in their homes and out of higher-cost facilities. To maintain access to these services, HHAC is asking the Colorado Legislature to increase reimbursement for the 700 small business, licensed home health and home care agencies in Colorado that serve tens of thousands of clients. The impact of the minimum wage increases and the overall rising cost of doing business has created a very difficult business climate for home care agencies. Home care is a more affordable way to deliver care, and Colorado needs a robust home care provider network to meet the needs of our communities. Hospice and Palliative Care License PlateThis legislative session, HHAC will advocate for a bill to create a special end-of-life license plate in Colorado to give recognition to hospice and palliative care and the important and difficult work these health care workers provide for thousands of Coloradans and their families. The sale of license plates will:
Chapter 26 ReviewIn keeping with the statutory requirement to routinely review and update regulations, the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment has begun the stakeholder process for the regulatory review of 6 CCR 1011-1, Chapter 26 - Home Care Agencies. HHAC’s lobby team is compiling a list of issues HHAC’s wants to see addressed and regularly updates members on the process. For more information, including the Home Care Advisory Committee meeting schedule, visit HHAC's Lobbying team:
Schultz Public Affairs provides comprehensive government, regulatory and public affairs services. Eliza Schultz provides professional, effective and trusted legislative strategies to her clients. Her expertise includes energy, local government, environment, natural resources, education, health, criminal justice, human services, the budget process and the nuances of the legislative process. Eliza is results-oriented and has established relationships with leadership in the House and Senate, members of the Joint Budget Committee, the Governor’s Office and with Executive Agencies.
Elisabeth Rosen Political Advocacy is a political strategy and lobbying firm specializing at the state level in Colorado with the General Assembly, Governor’s Office and State Departments. Elisabeth began lobbying before the Colorado General Assembly in 2004 as an associate for Brandeberry-McKenna Public Affairs. In 2010 Elisabeth started her firm with great success and a portfolio of clients due to her strong relationships and reputation for hard work and professionalism. For over a decade Elisabeth has specialized working with associations and has strong relationships with legislators, stakeholders and leaders across Colorado. Alan Morse Alan Morse is a skilled public affairs consultant currently contracted with both Shultz Public Affairs (SPA) and Political Advocacy (PA). Alan plays an active role in developing and executing lobbying strategies on behalf of clients in multiple policy areas including education, environmental, health care, local government, business and judiciary policy. Working as part of the team, he has fostered critical relationships with legislators, legislative staff and other decision-makers. He provides continuous and accurate reports on legislative news, relevant committee hearings and the JBC so that clients can make quick and informed decisions. |